Certificate for Anglican Lay Ministry (C.A.L.M.)

The C.A.L.M. Program is designed for Anglicans who seek to increase their knowledge of the Christian faith in order to enhance, or to  discern more fully, a vocation to lay ministry (e.g. lay readers, wardens, lay visitors, Eucharistic assistants, musicians, etc.). The C.A.L.M. program introduces learners to core theological subjects with an accent on the Anglican tradition. The program culminates with a  supervised off- site Field Education. The C.A.L.M. program is the equivalent of one half-year of full-time university study, but generally takes one to two years of part time study to complete; it must be completed within five years.

  • The completion of fifteen credits (the equivalent of five courses) is required for the C.A.L.M.
  • The program begins with a (non-credit) two-hour Foundations seminar to assist the learner in integrating the insights of theology with formation for lay ministry.

Required Courses (15 credits total)

THEO 1010 – Introduction to the Bible (3 cr)

THEO 1200 – Introduction to Christian Theology (3 cr)

THEO 2150 – Anglican Liturgy (3 cr)

THEO 3400 – Anglicanism (3 cr)

THEO 3650 – Supervised Off-Site Field Education  (3 cr)

 ***The course THEO 1010 (Introduction to the Bible) is offered each year and should be completed first. In general, the course THEO 3650 (Supervised Parish Placement) should be taken last.

Transfer Credits from Other Institutions

No courses from other institutions will be considered for transfer credit to the Certificate in Theology program. With the exception of THEO 1010 and 1200, no courses will be considered for transfer credit to the C.A.L.M. program.

Course Delivery

THEO courses are usually conducted by correspondence, with prescribed books and manuals. They may also be taught synchronously by Zoom or on other platforms. Each course in the C.A.L.M. program is to be completed within a single academic term (Fall– September to December; Winter–January to April; Spring–May to August). All THEO courses require a variety of written assignments and a final examination or summative exercise. Students are encouraged to submit their assignments online.

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