Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th.) Program

The Dip.Th. program is designed for students who seek to increase their knowledge of the Christian faith. The program is the equivalent of one year of full-time university study, but generally takes several years of part-time study to complete.The successful completion of thirty credits (the equivalent of ten courses) is required for the Dip.Th. The ten courses include the five required THEO 1000-level courses and an additional five courses from Thorneloe University that are listed in this handbook. Introduction to the Old Testament (THEO 1030) and Introduction to the New Testament (THEO 1070) are offered each year, and generally should be completed first. The five 1000-level courses should be completed before other courses are taken.

Transfer Credits from Other Institutions

Subject to approval, a maximum of six transfer-credits in theology may be credited towards the Dip.Th. Only those courses in which a grade of B-/60% or higher has been achieved will be considered for transfer credit.

THEO courses are normally offered at a distance.

Each course in the Dip.Th. program is to be completed within a single academic term, be it in the Fall (September to December), Winter (January to April) or Fall/Winter (September to April), or Spring (May to August).  THEO courses require a variety of written assignments and a final examination. THEO courses are conducted by correspondence, with prescribed books and manuals. Although it is not mandatory, students are encouraged to submit their assignments by email.

Course of Study

30 credits as follows:
Required Courses (15 credits total)
THEO 1030 – Introduction to the Old Testament (3 cr, required)
THEO 1070 – Introduction to the New Testament (3 cr, required)
THEO 1150 – Introduction to Christian Worship (3 cr, required)
THEO 1200 – Introduction to Christian Theology (3 cr, required)
THEO 1440 – Introduction to the Post-Apostolic Church (3 cr, required)
Electives (15 credits total)

***Elective courses are normally taken after completion of the required courses, except when permitted by the Director of the School of Theology.

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