Minor in Critical Sexuality Studies

The Minor in Critical Sexuality Studies places the study of sexuality and gender identity in relation to race, ability, Indigeneity, religion, citizenship and other relations of power in Canada and transnationally.

Students begin to explore sexualities and gender identities from an interdisciplinary perspective in a foundational course and then choose from a range of courses in areas such as ancient studies, biology, classics, history, English, philosophy, sociology and women’s and gender studies, to explore the lives, experiences, and activism of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit (LGBTQIA2-S) people (note that the placement of an asterisk after the term ‘trans’ commonly signifies inclusion of transgender, transsexual, genderqueer and other people who may fall along a spectrum of trans identities).

Electives are broadly grouped in three areas to ensure exposure to a range of topic areas and faculty expertise. The goals of the Minor include: an awareness of historicity of sexuality and gender diversity, and attention to subjects that otherwise risk marginalization, such as questions of disability, race, and racism. Group A includes courses with a primary focus on sexuality. Group B includes courses with a primary focus on the body. Group C includes courses with content on, but not a primary focus, on sexuality and/or the body. Courses cannot be double-counted if they appear in more than one group.

(Academic Advising Checklist – PDF)

  • WGSX 2066 Critical Sexuality Studies 3 cr
  • WGSX 2046 Gender, Race, and Racism 3 cr
  • Electives:
    • 9 credits from Group A: Sexuality
    • 6 credits from Group B: Body
    • 3 credits from Group C: Supplementary
  • N.B. At least 6 credits must be at the 3000-4000 level

For more information about this new program and academic advising, please contact:

Dr. Jennifer Johnson, Chair and Associate Professor jljohnson@laurentian.ca
Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Thorneloe University at Laurentian
935 Ramsey Lake Rd
Sudbury ON P3E 2C6
Tel: 705-673-1730

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