Dr. Jennifer Johnson

Dr. Jennifer Johnson

Professor Emerita Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Contact Information

705-673-1730, 601


PhD, York University (Women’s Studies)

MSt., University of Oxford, St. Hilda’s College (Women’s Studies)

BA(Hons), Queen’s University (Philosophy and Women’s Studies)

Research Interests

Gender, race and social reproduction; space and place; global economy and work, gender, race and racism; feminist pedagogy

Courses Taught

  • WGSX 1005 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
  • WGSX  2016 The Production of Knowledge
  • WGSX  2046 Gender, Race and Racism
  • WGSX  2907 Special Topics: Women, Food and Health
  • WGSX  2296 Gender Issues in Education
  • WGSX  2036 Gender, Work and Families
  • WGSX 3037 Gender, Work and the Global
  • WGSX 3046 Building Gender, Race and Place
  • WGSX 3047 Gender, Food and Health
  • WGSX 3206 Sexing the Nation
  • WGSX 4005 Directed Reading and Research Seminar
  • WGSX 4095 Independent Study: Feminism and Food
  • HUMA 5105 Practicum – Academic Supervision
  • HUMA 5196 Directed Reading: Critical Readings in (Canadian) Nationalism
  • SOCI 5507 Special Topics: Gender, Work and The Global Economy

Refereed Articles


Johnson, Jennifer L. and Susanne Luhmann. “Social Justice for (University) Credit? The Women’s and Gender Studies Practicum in the Neoliberal University.” Resources for Feminist Research, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto. 34.1 (2015/16): 94-113. [http://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/rfr-drf/article/view/27571#.WULF27ZGldg]


Johnson, Jennifer L. and Parisi, Laura, Eds.  “Introduction: Transgressing Borders/Boundaries: Gendering Space and Place”. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice/Études critiques sur le genre, la culture, et la justice sociale 37.1 (2015) : 35-38.  [http://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/issue/view/284]


Crozier, Gillian; Jennifer L. Johnson and Christopher Hazjler. “At the intersections of emotional labour and body work: understanding transnational reproductive travel and surrogacy as social reproduction.” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) for special issue 7.2 (2014): 45-74. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3138/ijfab.7.2.0045]

Johnson, Jennifer L. “‘Studying up’: Researcher as supplicant in feminist studies of elite spaces of work.” International Journal of Gender & Women’s Studies 2.3 (2014): 1-16. [http://ijgws.com/vol-2-no-3-september-2014-ijgws]


Johnson, Jennifer L. “Gendering trade negotiations: elite spaces of work as regulatory nodes in the global economy.” Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 36.1 (2013): 87-97. [http://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/issue/view/280].

Books, Edited Collections


Mandell, Nancy and Jennifer Johnson Eds. Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2016. [http://catalogue.pearsoned.ca/educator/product/Feminist-Issues-Race-Class-and-Sexuality/9780133593662.page]

Chapters in Books


Johnson, Jennifer L. “Mothering and food work in the nuclear family home: a spatial analysis of feeding children”. Mothers and Food: Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives. Florence Pasche Guignard and Tanya M. Cassidy, Eds. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2016. 275-287. [http://demeterpress.org/books/mothers-and-food-negotiating-foodways-from-maternal-perspectives]

Calixte, Shana, Jennifer L. Johnson and Maki Motapanyane. “Theorizing women’s oppression and social change: Liberal, Socialist, Radical and Postmodern Feminisms.” Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. 6th Edition. Eds. Nancy Mandell and Jennifer L. Johnson. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2016. 1-34. [http://catalogue.pearsoned.ca/educator/product/Feminist-Issues-Race-Class-and-Sexuality/9780133593662.page]

Community-Based Research


Ranta, Kaarina and Jennifer L. Johnson. “Mothers Offering Mutual Support (M.O.M.S) in Sudbury, Ontario: Growth and Evaluation”. For PAR-North at Northern Initiative for Social Action, 36 Elgin Street, Sudbury Ontario, Canada. Community Report completed 17 May, 2016. [www.nisa.on.ca]

Ranta, Kaarina and Jennifer L. Johnson. “Bringing Post-Partum Mood Disorder Peer Support Groups Home with You: A Workshop.” Mothers Offering Mutual Support (M.O.M.S) in Sudbury, Ontario: Growth and Evaluation. For PAR-North at Northern Initiative for Social Action, 36 Elgin Street, Sudbury Ontario, Canada. Community Development Tool completed 1 April, 2016. [www.nisa.on.ca]



Jennifer L. Johnson. “Cookie cutter home design in neoliberal North America: a spatial analysis of feeding children”. Presented at the National Women’s Studies Association, Palais des Congrès, Montreal 13 November 2016.


Ranta, Kaarina and Jennifer L. Johnson. “Bringing Post-Partum Mood Disorder Peer Support Groups Home with You: Mothers Offering Mutual Support (M.O.M.S) in Sudbury, Ontario: Growth and Evaluation”. Presented at National Conference on Peer Support, Peer Support Accreditation Canada,Toronto, 27 April, 2016.


World Pride Human Rights Conference, “Chilly in Northern Ontario? The results of the Laurentian University climate survey on LGBTQI2S students, staff and faculty.” Co-presented with Barbara Ravel. 25-27 June, 2014. Bonham Centre for Sexuality Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “Feminist praxis meets job-readiness? Placing Work-Integrated Learning strategies in Canadian WGS programs” at the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF), May 25-27, 2014 at Brock University, St Catharines, Canada.

Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, ““At the intersections of emotional labour and body work: understanding transnational reproductive travel and surrogacy as social reproduction.” Panel: Bio-labour Across Borders, co-organized with Gillian Crozier and Alana Cattapan, at the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF), May 25-27, 2014 at Brock University, St Catharines, Canada.


Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “Feminist Praxis in Canadian University and College Women’s and Gender Studies Programs” with co-author Dr. Susanne Luhmann (University of Alberta) at the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF), Panel title: “Negotiating the edge: praxis learning in WGS between feminist activism and neoliberal job market readiness.” June 2-4, 2013 at University of Victoria, Canada.

Invited Presentations


Invited Lecturer,  “Mapping their way home: Racialized sexism and the search for ‘home’ in the novel In Search of April Raintree (1983/84) by Beatrice Culleton Mosionier” for HIST 3966EL / SOCI 3907EL / WGSX 2906 Indigenous Women, Colonial Violence and Resistance, led by Drs. Nawel Hamidi and Dr. Brock Pitawanakwat, Laurentian University, 22 March, 2017.


Academic Roundtable on Blood, “‘You ARE the Father!’: Queering Blood Relations through the Ontario Birth Certificate.” Thorneloe University at Laurentian, Sudbury, Canada. 7 April, 2016.

Invited Speaker, led professional development workshop for staff and film showing of “My Feminism” at Centre Victoria Pour Femmes, Sudbury Canada, 6 May, 2016.

Interview, “Laurentian University’s new bathrooms break down gender barriers.” Host, Jason Turnbull, CBC Radio, Sudbury Canada,  9 March, 2016 [http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/bathroom-gender-neutral-1.3484435]

Entrevue, “L’Université Thorneloe offre des toilettes de genre neutre à ses étudiants”.  Host: Isabelle Fleury, le matin du nord, Radio Canada, Sudbury Canada, 8 mars, 2016 [http://ici.radio-canada.ca/emissions/le_matin_du_nord/2012-2013/archives.asp?date=2016-03-08]

Invited speaker, International Women’s Day film showing of “My Feminism” with Sudbury Indie Cinema Women in Film Wednesdays and the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Sudbury Canada,  9 March, 2016.

Invited lecturer, “Feminism and maternalism in Indigenous Social Work.” Course: Indigenous Theories of Social Work with Professor Susan Manitowabi, Master’s of Indigenous Relations, School of Graduate Studies, Laurentian University, Sudbury Canada. 8 February, 2016.


Lecturer and host, “Doing community-based research from a feminist perspective.” Visit from Lasalle Secondary School High School Gender Studies Class, Ms. Jessie Dupuis, to my course “The Production of Knowledge”. 10 November, 2015.

Invited Speaker, “Gender and Work in Canada’s federal election” YWCA Townhall on the Federal Election, Sudbury Ontario, 2 October, 2015.  [http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/federal-election-2015-sudbury-ywca-town-hall-focuses-on-women-s-issues-1.3254154.]

Invited Speaker, ‘Sexual harassment at City Hall’ for the Coalition to End Violence Against Women, Child and Family Centre, Sudbury Canada. 23 September, 2015.

My program of research and publication include two forthcoming edited collections (below). They fall under the thematic areas of gender, race and social reproduction with attention to geographical approaches; feminist pedagogy/praxis.

Johnson, Jennifer L., Susanne Luhmann and Amber Dean, Eds.  Learning Elsewhere? Critical Perspectives on Community-based Praxis Learning in Canadian Women’s and Gender Studies Programs, Wilfrid Laurier Press, forthcoming 2018.

Johnson, Jennifer L., and Krista Johnston, Eds.  Mothers/Mothering: Space and Place, Demeter Press, forthcoming 2019.

I also work with graduate students on topics of relevance to my research and teaching at Laurentian University.

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