In Spring 2021, the federation agreement between Laurentian University and Thorneloe University was terminated. Prior to that time, Thorneloe University provided the following courses within the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program:
WOMN-1005 Introduction Women’s Studies
WOMN-1005 Intro aux études des femmes
WOMN-2006 A Women’s Art History
WOMN-2007 Contemporary Art and Issues
WOMN-2016 The Production of Knowledge
WOMN-2036 Gender, Work and Families
WOMN-2046 Gender, Race and Racism
WOMN-2066 Critical Sexuality Studies
WOMN-2106 Representations of Gender-News
WOMN-2107 Women and Popular Culture
WOMN-2356 Reproduction and Mothering
WOMN-2357 Women and Aging
WOMN-2406 Violence Against Women
WOMN-2456 Women’s Health Issues
WOMN-2506 Rethinking Masculinities
WOMN-2906 Missing/Murdered Indi. Women
WOMN-3015 Feminist Theories
WOMN-3037 Gender, Work & the Global Economy
WOMN-3306 Female Sexualities
WOMN-3326 Girl Cultures
WOMN-3407 Gendered Construct of Violence
WOMN-4005 Directed Readings and Research