
In order to be admitted into the  Certificate for Anglican Lay Ministry (C.A.L.M.)  and Bachelor of Theology (General) programs, applicants are asked to do the following:

  1. Submit a completed application for admission form below.
  2. Submit a 200- to 400-word essay that expresses the applicant’s motivations and objectives in pursuing theological education.
  3. Have official transcripts sent to the Registrar of the School of Theology at (hyperlink) from any post-secondary institutions in which the applicant has been a student (if applicable).
  4. Pay the admission fee mentioned in the admission form.

In order to be admitted into the  Certificate in Theology and  Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th.) programs, applicants are asked to do the following:

  1. Submit a completed application for admission form below.
  2. Have official transcripts sent to the Registrar of the School of Theology at (hyperlink) from any post-secondary institutions in which the applicant has been a student (if applicable).
  3. Pay the admission fee mentioned in the admission form.

In order to be admitted into the Bachelor of Theology (Pastoral) program, applicants are asked to do the following:

  1. Submit a completed application for admission form below.
  2. Submit a letter of support from the student’s bishop or other church leader.
  3. Submit a 200- to 400-word essay that expresses the applicant’s motivations and objectives in pursuing theological education.
  4. Have official transcripts sent to the Registrar of the School of Theology at (hyperlink) from any post-secondary institutions in which the applicant has been a student (if applicable).
  5. Pay the admission fee mentioned in the admission form.

Application for Admission

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