Bachelor of Theology (B.Th. Pastoral)

The B.Th. (Pastoral) is a 90-credit undergraduate program intended primarily for students who are pursuing training for lay and ordained ministry. It is designed to be undertaken largely by distance-education and usually part-time, although full or near full-time studies are possible. The B.Th. (Pastoral) is the equivalent of three years of full-time university study, but generally takes several years of part-time study to complete.

Transfer Credits from Other Institutions

Subject to approval by the Director of the School of Theology, a maximum of 30 credits from other institutions may be credited towards the B.Th., including required courses. Only those courses in which a grade of B-/60% or higher has been achieved, will be considered for transfer credit.
***Students in the B.Th. (Pastoral) program who have met all the requirements of the Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th.) may apply to receive the Diploma during the course of their B.Th. studies.***Students admitted to the B.Th. program prior to the 2023-24 academic year, and who intend to graduate with the B.Th. (Pastoral), will need to consult with the Director of the School of Theology.

Course of Study

The B.Th. (Pastoral) is a 90-credit program that seeks to integrate academic and pastoral theology. It includes 45 required credits. All core THEO 1000-level courses are normally offered at least once every calendar year. Introduction to the Old Testament (THEO 1030), Introduction to the New Testament (THEO 1070) and Introduction to Christian Theology (THEO 1200) generally should be completed first. The remaining THEO 1000-level courses should be completed before other courses are taken.
It is recommended that the sequence of the remaining courses be determined in consultation with the Director of the School of Theology.
With the exception of occasional in-class intensive courses in the summer, Pastoral Placement courses, and occasional classes taught through Zoom, THEO courses are offered at a distance, and are conducted by correspondence, with prescribed books and manuals. THEO courses require a variety of written assignments and a final evaluation. When possible, students are encouraged to submit their assignments by email.
Each course in the B.Th. (Pastoral) program is to be completed within a single academic term, be it in the Fall  (September to December), the Winter (January to April), Fall/Winter (September to April), or Spring (May to July).

90-credits to be taken from the following courses. The 45 required credit courses are indicated in bold; the 45 elective courses are indicated in normal font.

OT – Old Testament – minimal 6 credits total from:
THEO 1010 – Introduction to the Bible (3 cr, required)
THEO 1030 – Introduction to the Old Testament (3 cr, required)
THEO 2030 – Genesis (3 cr)
THEO 3126– The Prophets of Israel (3 cr)
THEO 3136– Wisdom Literature (3 cr)

NT – New Testament – minimal 6 credits total from:
THEO 1070 – Intro. to the New Testament (3 cr, required)
THEO 2160 – Seeking the Historical Jesus (3 cr)
THEO  2196 – The Fourth Gospel (3 cr)
THEO  3127 – The Pauline Letters in the New Testament (3 cr)
THEO 3250 –  Apocalyptic Theology in the Later New Testament (3 cr)
THEO  3166 – Mark’s Gospel (3 cr)

 CW – Christian Worship – minimal 6 credits total:
THEO 1150  – Introduction to Christian Liturgy (3 cr, required)
THEO 2150 – Anglican Liturgy (3 cr, required)
THEO 2050/2051/2052 – Preaching  (1cr + 1 cr+ 1 cr+ [= 3cr], required)

CT – Christian Theology  – minimal 12 credits total from
THEO 1200 –  Introduction to Christian Theology (3 cr, required)
THEO 3400 – Anglicanism (3 cr, required)
THEO 3800 – Integrating Theology (6 cr, required)
THEO 2136 – Christian Thought and Culture I (3 cr)
THEO 2137 – Christian Thought and Culture II (3 cr)

CH – Church History  – minimal 6 credits total from:
THEO 1440  – Introduction to the Post-Apostolic Church (3 cr, required)
THEO 2410 – Christianity in Canada (3 cr)
THEO 3440 – The Church in the Modern Era (3 cr)
THEO 3440 – The Church in the Modern Era (3 cr)

CE – Christian Ethics – 3 credits total
THEO 2710 – Christian Ethics (3 cr, required)

PS – Pastoral Studies – 15 credits total
THEO 3500 – Spirituality as Relationship (3 cr, required)
THEO 3600  – Off-site Pastoral Reflection I (3 cr, required; with instructor’s permission)
THEO 3610 –  Off-site Pastoral Reflection II (3 cr, required; with instructor’s permission)
THEO 3650 –  Off-site Pastoral Reflection III (3 cr, required; with instructor’s permission)
THEO 3700 –  Forms of Ministry (6 cr, required)

Other elective courses:
THEO 2216 – Religion and Violence (3 cr)
THEO 2340 – Science and Religion (3 cr)
THEO 3900 – Special Topics in Theology (3 cr)

***Electives towards the B.Th. may be taken at other theological or other relevant institutions with the approval of the Director of the School of Theology.

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