Our Programs

The last revision to the programs of the School of Theology was made in 2015. Since 2015 two areas of concern have prompted fresh revisions to the programs of the School of Theology at Thorneloe University. The first concern is the changing nature of the student body.  The 2015 Academic Handbook identifies the Bachelor of Theology program as appropriate for those pursuing training in theology, professional development, or those preparing for a Master’s degree in Theology or Divinity.  Such students remain foundational to the Thorneloe B.Th. However, it is evident that other students come to the School of Theology and enrol in the B.Th. program  in order to prepare for lay and ordained ministries. The current set of programs seeks to meet the needs of both student populations. 

In a similar way, the 2021-2022 revision of the Certificate in Anglican Lay Leadership (C.A.L.L.) led to two new certificates: one is a more intentional preparation for Anglican lay ministry, which has become the Certificate in Anglican Lay Ministry (C.A.L.M.). The new Certificate in Theology (CinT)  is intended for those who seek to explore the basics of Christian theology.

Thorneloe’s baccalaureate program follows the same trajectory as the two certificates: a B.Th. (Pastoral) that intentionally prepares candidates for ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada, and a second B.Th. for those who seek to explore the breadth and depth of Christian theology as an end in itself, or as preparation for further graduate work in theology.

Accordingly, like the two different admissions processes for  the C.A.L.M. and the CinT, this revision outlines two distinct admissions processes for the Pastoral and Academic B.Th. programs. Further, the Pastoral B.Th. also engages the learners’ diocese or relevant church bodies.

Thorneloe also recognises that our learners’ needs may well be met by taking elective courses at other theological schools or other relevant institutions, e.g. around Indigenous Studies. We encourage and support our students who wish to take credits from other recognised institutions.

You can find full description of each program through the links below:

Certificate in Theology

Certificate for Anglican Lay Ministry (C.A.L.M.)

Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th.) Program

Bachelor of Theology (B.Th. Pastoral)

Bachelor of Theology (B.Th. General)

Non-degree Studies (N.D.)

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