Previous Thorneloe University Courses

Ancient Studies Courses Previously Offered at Thorneloe University

In Spring 2021, the federation agreement  between Laurentian University and Thorneloe University was terminated. Prior to that time, Thorneloe University provided the following courses within the Ancient Studies Program:

ANCS-1006 Greek Civilization

ANCS-1007 Roman Civilization

ANCS-2016 Classical Mythology

ANCS-2116 The Ancient Novel

ANCS-2036 The Ancient World in Film

ANCS-2046 Sport in the Ancient World

ANCS-2136 Greek and Latin Roots of Engl.

ANCS-2156 Magic in the Ancient World

ANCS-2216 Approaches to the Ancient World

ANCS-2327 Jesus in Film

ANCS-2527 Roman Art & Archaeology

ANCS-3016 Xenophon/Greek Historiography

ANCS-3026 Theories of Myth

ANCS-3057 War, Imperialism & Roman State

ANCS-3127 The Pauline Letters

ANCS-3317 Roman Poetry

ANCS-3416 Greek History: Athens & Sparta

ANCS-4016 Xenophon/Greek Historiography

ANCS-4057 War, Imperialism & Roman State

ANCS-4317 Roman Poetry

ANCS-4416 Greek History: Athens & Sparta

LATN-2115 Introductory Latin

LATN-3226 Intermediate Latin I

GREC-2116 Intro. to Classical Greek I

GREC-2117 Intro. to Classical Greek II

GREC-3226 Intermediate Classical Greek I

GREC-3227 Intermediate Classical Greek II

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Thorneloe University Appoints New Chancellor: The Rev’d Dr. Patti Brace

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Thorneloe University’s 42nd convocation

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Call for New Board Members

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