
Thorneloe University Reopens Renovated Chapel And Honours Two Prominent Canadians at Convocation

October 12, 2011

Sudbury – Former Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson officially reopened the newly renovated and renamed Fielding Memorial Chapel of St. Mark on the grounds of Thorneloe University in Greater Sudbury today.

Dr. Adrienne Clarkson, honoris causaMadame Clarkson was the honoured guest at a ribbon-cutting ceremony, marking the completion of $350,000 in renovations to this important community landmark. Tonight, Madame Clarkson will deliver the keynote address to graduates at Thorneloe’s 50th anniversary convocation ceremony, where she will also receive an honorary Doctorate of Canon Law.

Renovations to the Fielding Memorial Chapel of St. Mark include a new barrier free entrance and washroom, kitchenette, storage space, and the installation of “smart technology” that will allow the Chapel to also be used as a classroom and meeting space. The Chapel was renamed the Fielding Memorial Chapel of St. Mark in honour of Sudbury’s Fielding family, who contributed the entire cost of building the original Chapel in 1968.

“We’re honoured to have Madame Clarkson officially reopen our chapel, and we’re delighted to bestow on her an honorary Doctorate of Canon Law,” said Dr. Robert Derrenbacker, the President and Provost of Thorneloe University. “Madame Clarkson’s commitment to the arts and post-secondary education is well known and respected in Canada. We’re also very pleased to rename this Chapel in honour of the Fielding family, which has been so supportive of Thorneloe University over the years.”

Thorneloe University will also recognize local person of distinction, Vicky Ridout Kett, at tonight’s convocation. She will receive the Thorneloe Mitre for her community activism. Vicki Ridout Kett is a former public school board trustee and a senior manager at Access Aids Network in Sudbury who has led several humanitarian trips to Haiti.

“Vicky Ridout Kett epitomizes the values we treasure at Thorneloe,” said Dr. Derrenbacker. “Her commitment to humanitarianism and community service, both at home and abroad, sets an example for us all and we’re honoured to present her with the Thorneloe Mitre.”

Thorneloe University is one of the founding members of the Laurentian University federation. Thorneloe offers degree programs in Ancient Studies, Classical Studies, Religious Studies, Women’s Studies, and Theatre Arts. Thorneloe also works collaboratively with Laurentian University to offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts program and an M.A. in Humanities. As well, Thorneloe University offers a Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree in Theology through the Thorneloe School of Theology.

For more information, please contact Susan Moores at 705-673-1730, ext. 10, email, or visit


Media Contact:
Dr. Robert Derrenbacker, President, Thorneloe University
(705) 673-1730, ext. 23,

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