
Who Do We Think We Are? Uncovering Racism in Scholarly Pursuits: An Interdisciplinary Forum

November 18, 2019

Thorneloe University will be holding an event on Monday, November 25 focussed on race and racism in an academic setting, entitled “Who Do We Think We Are? Uncovering Race & Racism in Scholarly Pursuits”. 
This event brings together faculty and students from the various Thorneloe departments to speak on how race and racism intersect with their disciplines and subject areas. It will also begin with a presentation from a group of Laurentian undergraduate students who are working to combat anti-Black racism on campus and in Sudbury. 
We are inviting the whole Thorneloe community to join us for some or all of this event, as well as students, faculty, and staff of Laurentian University and the other Federated Universities. These topics are difficult but extremely important, and we hope to open a discussion that we can continue at further events in the future. Please see the attached poster for a detailed schedule of talks, which will run from 1-4pm in room T-140. There will also be informational posters from students in several Thorneloe courses on display throughout the building.

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